Thriving not Surviving

Strategies to go from merely surviving to THRIVING for women in STEM

Improve your mindset by shifting your focus

focus mindset Aug 25, 2020

Are you finding yourself struggling with the chaos, the negative, fear and confusion right now? If so, you are like most people right now. We are facing so many changes, conflicting information and uncertainty as our society moves towards a new normal.

The challenge for most of us is that wallowing in our despair isn’t productive or conducive to a happy life. While tempting, we don’t feel good when we embrace the chaos and negativity. Our jobs, family and health are impacted by it all. How do we avoid this sink hole?

First, we need to acknowledge the feelings that we are experiencing. Admit this is hard and we are worried about the future. Recognize where you are right now and accept it. Our feelings are part of us and yet they don’t have to define us or drive our actions.

Next, identify where you would like to be. Are you ready to find a more positive outlook on things? Are you willing to look for the possibilities of a better outcome? If so, admit that it’s...

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Mind Your Mindset

How do you look at your ability to handle problems, challenges, plan changes, or the unexpected? Do you see it as insurmountable or a hurdle you will get over? Do you get stuck in your feelings or do you get fired up to find a solution?

These are indicators of your mindset towards problems. They show you if you are inclined towards a fixed or a growth mindset. With a fixed mindset the belief is that it is what it is, and it can’t improve or get better. This is particularly true for skills, knowledge and abilities. A growth mindset sees the possibilities to learn more, grow and overcome challenges. As complex creatures we always have some of both in us. We may have a fixed mindset towards some things, like my ability to be an athlete, while having a growth mindset in other areas, like my ability to create a website.

With all the challenges facing us right now how we approach them will have a huge impact on the outcome. When we think of it as a problem to solve, we open our...

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If You Think You Can; You Will

“Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right.”  Henry Ford

Right now, looking at your task list and all the things on your plate can be an invitation to overload and hopelessness. We are working from home, dealing with kids at home, spouses/ partners working from home, uncertainty in the economy, questions about whether it’s safe to go out, on and on and on. On top of everything else you have dreams and goals that are important to you. So how do you move forward? How can you make it all work? What you believe is possible will determine what you accomplish and it’s okay to not get everything done right now. 

If you are confident in your abilities, you are more likely to get more things done. That confidence leads you be more positive about the impact you can have in you work and your life. In the past if you reached goals or prevailed in difficult situations you will have confidence in your ability to do it again. Past...

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